Wednesday, May 19, 2010



Sunday, May 2, 2010





Tuesday, April 20, 2010


那个故事叫“勇敢的阿麽”。 从他的身上我看到了我的妈妈,说到勇敢她可以为了养活我们一家人比谁都还要勇敢。她可以放下他的尊严,牺牲他的一切就只是我们兄弟姐妹开心的长大。


中学毕业后我就在吉隆坡读书,交了男友就很少回家看妈妈,只对他说我的功课很忙。出国读书也都是为了男朋友。直到在国外和他分手后我才发现原来家人才是永久的。 分手后我哭了三天三夜,真的一点都不夸张,等我冷静后,我打了电话回家,我妈问最近怎样阿?我又开始想哭了,只有硬着头皮说还不是一样。 那时我就对自己说活着是因为父母,而不是为了其他人。妈妈养育我这么大,当然不希望我为了一个男生就哭哭啼啼的。我告诉自己马上就要站起来。


Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I already more than 24 hours did not answer my dear's callings. I cried whole night due to he deleted my lovely studied photo in uk. that got thousand my pictures saving in his hard drive. When i discovered all is deleted by him, I very angry and frustrated for all those happen on me. Firstly , i angry due to that all is my sweet memories and i am sure it wont be take the same pic at same place with same people. Secondly. the reason i angry is because he did not take my things carefully. third, because he did not feel guilty after that..only sorry!!! sorry not cure....

I dont know when i will forgive u, eventhough it will take a very long time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This morning when i opened my eyes, i saw a deep snow covered my window...

My dear is just leaving me and going back to sheffield, and me need to wake up and force myself to touch water for cleanning face and brush tooth to prepare going out working.

Everytime its snow then i will think about the time we are together, we are beginning in snowing, do u still remember???

Monday, January 4, 2010


3d movie- avatar, that is the 1st 3d movie we watched in uk cinema.. Beginning, we really dun understand what the story is going on.. But the middle of it I realise the avatar are meaning for orang asli. Haha, but they are more powerful and know how to ride horse and bird once their USB port connect to each other. Hehe. It spent almost three hours to go. It makes us suffering to sit probably , the ending is quite nice, after movie we go next door to having nando as our dinner..dear, I want to tell you the love is so powerful, it can let a human change to avatar due to love, and their can be long lasting love each other.. I hope we are as well

Sunday, January 3, 2010

3rd Janurary 2010

This is just started the year of 2010, it means the time i go back to Malaysia is nearest. I am scared the time is passing so quick, because it represent the time I should leave my dear. That why I hope I can drop down some our memories here for him. He really love me, even this stupid guy does not have any money but he still can found his way present me LV branded bag as my X'mas gift. I really be touching of this silly action. He is giving the best he have always to me.

I am counting the day we will going to date. It makes me sad because we only left 54 days to be together. Why I said that, due to we only can meet each other one day per week, so that is one year to go. Haha....